Sunday, June 04, 2006


So there I am last Friday cutting my bosses grass and as I'm turning the corner the mower gets stuck in a rut. No biggie but I should have let go of the safety handle. My foot slips under and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! The top of my big toe was sent to places unkown. Well I was turning green by the time i got to the hospital. It's really ugly. And painful everytime I bash it on something. There was no bone involved but half of the nail and alot of the top was never recovered. So I have a three week period of desk duty cause workers comp doesn't cover self employed people.
I'm just thanking God it was a clean cut, we had just sharpened the blade and I get to keep the rest of my toe.
Aside from that the Spirit is moving a little more around here. It was a great service this morning.
Please keep my daughter in prayer. I pray she'll come home soon.
God Bless

1 comment:

James Goudie said...


be careful man