Wednesday, June 28, 2006


My parents were supposed to come down from Toronto this weekend but dad called me at work to say that my gran was dying and not expected to last the next few days. She's 96.
It feels kind of strange really, she was a big part of my growing up. Although she lived in Vancouver and us in Toronto she always came once or twice a year. we always had fun. When I was little I used to rub her back. She taugh me how to waltz. There's a lot of memories going on right now. We grew apart some over the past few years and it hurts to know that I won't have the chance to say goodbye. It's making me think about what's really important and all that stuff. She's not really concious.
Well I hope she's going to a better place.
After that I really don't know what to say. I feel kind of empty. I guess it's been a hectic time the past litle while. Time for that one on one time with God I keep talking about.
God Bless

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Walking to work

So last Thursday I was driving over to a friend's place and had to take a backroad detour due to construction. All of a sudden I hear a loud bang and the car stalls. I get out to see what the problem is and there is my gas tank lying about 10 feet behind my car. Ouch. I'm trying to get the town to pay as they didn't grade the detour.
So I am walking to work this week. No biggie, as long as I get picked up at least halfway while hitchhiking. I usually do. My ride today talked about trying to stay healthy and enjoying life at the same time. It was a short but inspiring conversation.
The walk often gives me time to be quiet and pray. I rarely get much of that these days. It seems just when I need to be alone and meditate something comes up. I really should take that time and listen to what God is trying to say. I can't say the past several months have been easy but I can start to see a light at the end of the tunnel. We've been doing healing room classes at church on Thurday evenings and we are working on breaking the soul ties to pretty much everything that is oppressive iour lives. That gets pretty heavy but it is worth it. The difficulty comes in trying to put what we are learning into practice in out everyday lives. That has actually been the focus of the "walking mediatation" the past few days.
Also not being afraid to ask God and not have the enemy whispering "what if it isn't His will".
We are learning to just carry on during attacks. Not allowing ourselves to get locked up in a metaphorical cave, just persevere. And keep praising and glorifying because it keeps the enemy confused.
Anyhow I'll sign off for now because it's late and I need to sleep.
Please keep praying for my daughter.
God Bless

Monday, June 19, 2006


Well father's day is past and i am unwisely taking the morning off work. I had some errands to run in Waterloo. I also have to get my Healing Room's homework done tonight too.
I had both of my girls yesterday. Well Fiona hung out with me for a few hours, Then back to the *^&$!!@ boyfriend's place. She does not seem at all happy there, so I'm praying that it's only a matter of time before she comes home. Jodie (my little one) stayed late and we went to a mini waterfall in a local eco park. It was fun But I couldn't swim on account of my damaged toe.
Our service was small yet inspiring. Pastor Dave seemed very down at the low attendance. It was the 3 year anniversary of our becoming Bethel Life Center, We used to be Bethel Pentacostal Church. It was also a year since we said goodbye to Mother Esther, Pastors late wife. All in all it was a time of reflection.
Our guest speaker was Rev. Wilmer Davidson, an evangelical Anglican minister who has been praying for revival in this area for almost 40 years. He has been preaching for just over 50. It was a very inspiring message about the presence and promise of the Holy Spirit in our lives. And it fit in as I have been praying for baptism in the spirit for quite some time now.
In reflection I have been looking closely at the people I know who Jesus has called home this past year. I can hear Him saying that it's time to repent, take up our crosses and move forward. A generation is passing and it's our time to reach out to the next generation.
So please join me in prayer for this revival and for the children who need to know about Jesus. Pray that their ears will be open to hear His word and that there eyes will be open to see His glory.
God Bless

Monday, June 12, 2006


Things are changing within me quite rapidly. My goals seem to be being rearranged. It's kind of hard to explain. But I will say the spirit is moving.
More to come.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Re Yesterday

Well we had our & days of reconstruction class. In prayer I could feel Jesus love. Not the goosebumpy warm fuzzy we ofe=ten get but the real love of Jesus. Pastor Dave wasn't there but another minister, and old bible study collegue of mine was. He and the others prayed for my damaged eye and my recently injured toe. But as we left my friend Wilmer stopped to tell me he loved me. And I could see the love of God in his eyes. (He's been in ministry for over 50 years).
The feeling of God's love just stayed and stayed.
So praise God.
Thank You Jesus

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thanks be to God.
Thank you Jesus

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Congrats to my friend Kes, assistat manager on Christiandays, was just elected deacon at his church in the states.
God Bless Brother

Monday, June 05, 2006


Well I had suffered from anxiety attacks for many years. Once about five years ago I didn't have any coffee and so had morning tea instead. And I recently remembered that I had no anxiety that day. So I went the past three days without coffee and boom no anxiety and surprisingly more energy.
I spoke to my friend Jen about this idea and she told me that some time ago she had prayed about caffeine and God revealed to her that caffeine "quickens the flesh". Thus empowering it.
Sound ridiculous? Think about it. When the flesh is sickened it dominates us. Ever had a hangover? All you can concentrate on is how cruddy you feel. Quickening the flesh caused me to have anxiety.
Now you may say that tea has as much caffiene as coffee. Well, dry tea does have, pound for pound, as much caffeine as coffee. But you use considerably less tea per cup (less than half by weight) than coffee. Also coffee is considerably more acidic than tea.
Anyhow, it just goes to show that good health disempowers the flesh and gives us a clearer channel to our Lord.
God Bless

Sunday, June 04, 2006


So there I am last Friday cutting my bosses grass and as I'm turning the corner the mower gets stuck in a rut. No biggie but I should have let go of the safety handle. My foot slips under and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! The top of my big toe was sent to places unkown. Well I was turning green by the time i got to the hospital. It's really ugly. And painful everytime I bash it on something. There was no bone involved but half of the nail and alot of the top was never recovered. So I have a three week period of desk duty cause workers comp doesn't cover self employed people.
I'm just thanking God it was a clean cut, we had just sharpened the blade and I get to keep the rest of my toe.
Aside from that the Spirit is moving a little more around here. It was a great service this morning.
Please keep my daughter in prayer. I pray she'll come home soon.
God Bless