Monday, June 05, 2006


Well I had suffered from anxiety attacks for many years. Once about five years ago I didn't have any coffee and so had morning tea instead. And I recently remembered that I had no anxiety that day. So I went the past three days without coffee and boom no anxiety and surprisingly more energy.
I spoke to my friend Jen about this idea and she told me that some time ago she had prayed about caffeine and God revealed to her that caffeine "quickens the flesh". Thus empowering it.
Sound ridiculous? Think about it. When the flesh is sickened it dominates us. Ever had a hangover? All you can concentrate on is how cruddy you feel. Quickening the flesh caused me to have anxiety.
Now you may say that tea has as much caffiene as coffee. Well, dry tea does have, pound for pound, as much caffeine as coffee. But you use considerably less tea per cup (less than half by weight) than coffee. Also coffee is considerably more acidic than tea.
Anyhow, it just goes to show that good health disempowers the flesh and gives us a clearer channel to our Lord.
God Bless

1 comment:

Miss-buggy said...

someone told me that anxiety attacks are not of God. They are from Satan. I had a day when I was pregnant where I was getting them badly. A friend prayer for me over the phone and commanded it to leave me in Jesus' name and that helped. I get them too but they have been less.
Your coffee analagy sounds interesting actually