Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So now it's been six weeks i haven't smoked and the topic is getting boring. In facti only rant about it when the withdrawls hit. And sometimes they hit hard. But there are happy thoughts too. Like this seemingly endless winter is finally coming to an end. The air is warmer and i am feeling better about alot of things. So cheer up people...har har har.
God Bless

Saturday, April 05, 2008

More new stuff

Also check out our business blog and site
Hawthorn Creations
See links to the right.

God Bless

Saturday, March 29, 2008

New Stuff

Check out Sandrandrob Sandi's and my new blog. We had one o f the same title b4 when we were3 just bf/gf but now we're married so we're trying this ministry type blog. Also check out pics of our Grandson Sam.
God Bless

Friday, March 28, 2008

1 Month

It has been 1 month since I was freed from the addiction to filthyrettes. I feel really great. Not paranoid but really good.
Keep praying for Sandra.
And me, I got a little edgy yesterday and other things have been really getting me down and peeing me off. I suppose I am looking for answers from God that He isn't required to give
God Bless

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What is a Blog of note

The dashboard shows blogs of note but there aren't that noteable.I think I am just filling boredom time that I used to fill with sickarettes. Har har So
sandi is looking at quitting soon and all must pray intensly for her.
we are hoping to see our grandson this weekend if Fiona can get out here.
Did i make note previously that sandi and I are grandparents now? Probably not. But little Sam is the cutest baby since his mom was born.
Anyhow lets keep praying against the sickarette thing. It is the spirit of addiction and it's a tough one. I am nearly four weeks and so I am over the worstof it. WE LOVE YOU SANDI and WE WILL PRAY YOU THROUGH THIS
God Bless

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Men's Breakfast

I hosted the Men of Promise breakfast at church. I have four regulars including the pastor. I think we are getting swomewhere now abd hopefully it will grow. Sandi is off to the women of destiny meeting. She is quite a strong ministry leader. The ladiesw really love her.
So Let's all stay in prayer for our little church and please keep praying for revival in our area.
God Bless

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Three weeks

It's been three weeks since I have picked up a filthy cigarette. This after 30 years and numerous attempts to quit is truly a gift from God. So praise Him.
God Bless Radlife.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

More prose

I hear you coming down the hall
and windows were flickering
and lights were dimming
for the night was ending

The streets were emptying
beneth my balcony
the last of the partygoers
finding places to sleep.

Bu I couldn't join them
I had not the heart
so I waited alone
in the darkening room

I waited for you
I prayed for you
but you didn't show
so I sat alone

The night wasn't mine
not anymore
that was a time
so long ago

Time takes its toll
on we who lived loose
on we who loved feastng
and celebrating all season

For that season ended and
I fell to the ground
seeking more than the party
could ever offer

And I wept for old times
and wasted youth
and yesteryears
oh silly wasted tears.

For life's contentment
comes indifferent forms and time
and here i sit
never regreting only laughing

then I here you my love
coming down the hall
and i can finallyclose mine eyes and
sleep the night away

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Let's Try Prose

Let's try prose

I sat one day
waiting on God
an angel came by
and asked me why

I sat one day
waiting on God
a demon came by
and said I was wasting my time

I walked through the town
talking to God
and His voice inside me said

I listened to the voices
I listened to the wind
to the birds
to the dogs to the river and the grass

And there He was
moving through my life
not the way I'd have it
But the way He moves

So I sat the next day
Loving on God
and the Spirit and the Son
grew within

And the tears came
as I loved on Him
for I felt Him
Loving on me

Thursday, March 06, 2008


It has been a week since I have smoked and I feel really good this time. Sandi got really cranky when I first put the sickarettes down but she's better now. There must have been a demon in the house because the kids looked totally terrified. But it's gone now too. So we are all happier now. I find breathing really weird, less laboured. I love to walk alot too. Regardless of the weather.I posted the link for my church's website only because Sandi built it. To God be the glory. That also means she doesn't get paid for it but she says I'm not to complain. So I don't out loud.Anyhow the day is just beginning here in knowlton. I wonder how my old blogger friends in Mission BC are doing. Hope your church is still going strong. God BlessRadlife

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Long time

I havent post here in a while
I am still getting to know more about the nature of God and the nature of women. Sandi is a great teacher. We do have our moments. But that is life. So I will try to share more later, about the love affair we are discovering with God.
May He Bless You
More later